Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Sudan!

Sudanese women *Photo from Wikipedia January 1 is Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Sudan from United Kingdom in 1956. he early history of the Kingdom of Kush located in what is now northern Sudan along the Nile is intertwined with the history of ancient Egypt, in which it was united politically over several periods. By virtue of its proximity to ancient Egypt, the Sudan participated in the wider history of the Near East inasmuch as it was Christianized by the 6th century and Islamized in the 7th. The modern Republic of Sudan was formed in 1956 and inherited its


The visually impaired can study and get jobs here. Those are impossible things to do in Sudan.

Interviewed & written by Isao Tokuhashi Mail to: itokuhashi@myeyestokyo.com   Mohamed Bashir (Sudan) Mutual fund employee (He’s been in Japan since 2000) Interviewees whom we’ve talked to so far told us about their life in Tokyo or Japan through their eyes. But today we introduce you to a man who can have nothing meet his eyes. His name is Mohamed Bashir from Sudan, a country in northeastern Africa. He smiles wonderfully at us but he lost his sight at age 11. He’s not been able to see anything since then. But Bashir looks very happy! While we heard his story,