When we walk on the streets, Harlem guys say “You are gorgeous!” even if we don’t put on makeup and look bad. It makes us really happy.
Interviewed & written by Isao Tokuhashi Mail to: itokuhashi@myeyestokyo.com Kimiko Matsuo Coordinator/Graphic Desiner of Harlem Connection, Inc. (She’s been in the US since November, 2002) This is the second interview in New York. We introduce you a woman who works as Tommy Tomita’s right hand. Kimiko Matsuo is in charge of the Harlem tour booking, tour guiding and producing of tommytomita.com. Also she teaches Japanese language at a high school in Harlem. In addition, she is a member of the “Harlem Japanese Gospel Choir” and feels black people’s heritage with all her senses. This is a story about “Women, Harlem and New