Do you know “Tanabata”?
Yoko Kawakami My Eyes Tokyo E/J Translator You may see this kind of colorful sight when you visit Japan in early July. 7月初旬に日本を訪れると、このようなカラフルな光景を見かけると思います。 Taken by ymtnprn What are these ornaments? These are for Tanabata, the Star Festival! Japanese people celebrate Tanabata (七夕) on July 7th. This festival is originated from the Chinese legend of two stars, Orihime (織姫, Vega) and Hikoboshi (彦星, Altair). According to the legend, Orihime, a weaving girl, and Hikoboshi, a cowherd boy, loved each other so much that they stopped working hard. The Emperor became mad at them and separated them by the Milky