Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Peru!

A Peruvian family at the food market. *Photo from Wikipedia July 28 is Fiestas Patrias, celebrates the independence of Peru from Spain by General José de San Martín in 1821. Peruvian National Holidays, are celebrations of Peru’s independence from the Spanish Empire. Along with Christmas, Fiestas Patrias is one of the most important celebrations of the year for Peruvians. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty with its capital in Lima, which included most of its South American colonies. Ideas of political autonomy later spread throughout Spanish America and Peru gained its independence,

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Liberia!

Monrovia, the capital city of Liberia. *Photo from Wikipedia July 26 is Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Liberia from the American Colonization Society in 1847. Liberia is a country which was founded, established, colonized, and controlled by citizens of the United States and ex-Caribbean slaves as a colony for former African American slaves and their free black descendants. It is one of only two sovereign countries in the world that were started by citizens and ex-Caribbean slaves of a political power as a colony for former slaves of the same political power, the other being Sierra Leone, established by

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Maldives!

Malé, the capital of the Maldives. *Photo from Wikipedia July 26 is Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Maldives from the United Kingdom in 1965. The Maldives have been historically and culturally linked to the Indian subcontinent since the fourth century BCE (before the Common Era). The Maldivian archipelago was Islamized in the 12th century and consolidated as a sultanate, developing strong commercial and cultural ties with Asia and Africa. From the mid 16th-century, the region came under the increasing influence of European colonial powers, with the Maldives becoming a British protectorate in 1887. Independence from the United Kingdom was

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Belgium!

Crowd of Belgian fans at the 2018 World Cup. *Photo from Wikipedia July 21 is: Belgian National Day. It celebrates the inauguration of Léopold I, the first king of the Belgians, after its independence from the Netherlands on October 4, 1830. In 1830, drawing inspiration from the recent July Revolution in France, the southern provinces of the United Netherlands rebelled against Dutch rule after a period of growing economic and religious disparity and political alienation. The Dutch were forced out of much of the area and Belgium gained de facto independence. A National Congress was created to write a Constitution

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Colombia!

Bogotá, the capital and largest city of Colombia. *Photo from Wikipedia July 20 is Independence Day, celebrates the independence declaration of Colombia from Spain in 1810. The Spanish set foot on Colombian soil for the first time in 1499 and in the first half of the 16th century initiated a period of conquest and colonization, ultimately creating the New Kingdom of Granada, with as capital Santafé de Bogotá. Independence from Spain was acquired in 1819, but by 1830 the “Gran Colombia” Federation was dissolved. What is now Colombia and Panama emerged as the Republic of New Granada. The new nation

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Bastille Day!

Storming of the Bastille, by Jean-Pierre-Louis-Laurent Houel. *Photo from Wikipedia July 14 is Bastille Day. It commemorates the Storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, a turning point of the French Revolution as well as the Fête de la Fédération (lit “Festival of the Federation”) which celebrated the unity of the French people on July 14, 1790. The medieval fortress, armory, and political prison in Paris known as the Bastille represented royal authority in the center of Paris. The prison contained just seven inmates at the time of its storming but was a symbol of abuses by the monarchy;

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Statehood Day of Montenegro!

Podgorica, the capital and largest city of Montenegro. *Photo from Wikipedia July 13 is Montenegro’s Statehood Day. It is a holiday that occurs every year on July 13 in Montenegro to commemorate the day in 1878 on which the Berlin Congress recognized Montenegro as the 27th independent state in the world, and that in 1941 the Montenegrins staged an uprising against the Nazi occupiers and sided with the partisan communist movement. The Congress of Berlin (or Berlin Congress; June 13 – July 13, 1878) was a meeting of the representatives of the Great Powers of the time (Russia, Great Britain,

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to São Tomé and Príncipe!

São Tomé, the capital and largest city of São Tomé and Príncipe. *Photo from Wikipedia July 12 is Independence Day, celebrates the independence of São Tomé and Príncipe from Portugal in 1975. The islands were uninhabited until their discovery by Portuguese explorers in the 15th century. Gradually colonized and settled by Portugal throughout the 16th century, they collectively served as a vital commercial and trade center for the Atlantic slave trade. The rich volcanic soil and close proximity to the equator made São Tomé and Príncipe ideal for sugar cultivation, followed later by cash crops such as coffee and cocoa;

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Kiribati!

Tarawa Atoll. Tarawa is an atoll and the capital of the Republic of Kiribati. *Photo from Wikipedia July 12 is Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Kiribati from the United Kingdom in 1979. The initial Micronesian population, which remains the overwhelming majority today, was visited by Polynesian and Melanesian invaders before the first European sailors visited the islands in the 17th century. For much of the subsequent period, the main island chain, the Gilbert Islands, was ruled as part of the British Empire. The country gained its independence in 1979 and has since been known as Kiribati. Kiribati, officially the

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy National Day of Mongolia!

Naadam ceremony in Ulaanbaatar. Nadaam is a traditional festival in Mongolia, which is held during the National Holiday from July 11 to 13. *Photo from Wikipedia July 11 is the day Russia’s Red Army captures Mongolia from the White Army and established the Mongolian People’s Republic. Genghis Khan was able to unite and conquer the Mongols, forging them into a fighting force which went on to create the largest contiguous empire in world history, the Mongol Empire. After the collapse of the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty in 1368, the Mongols returned to their earlier patterns of internal strife. Buddhism in Mongolia